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Baby Golddoge Sachs

Official CA: 0xB24fb0BCADb3304D7c893c2cD28dde32E86bB5Fc

Passive Income

Baby Golddoge Sachs holders will automatically receive 5% rewards in Golddoge Sachs token. 


“If you can't hold, you won't be rich"

Satoshi Nakamoto

"If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry"

Baby Golddoge Sachs investor

“I will not be a Jeet Faggot”


Buy tax = 10%
Sell tax = 10%

Rewards in Golddoge Sachs


Liquidity Pool


Marketing / dev

3% and 1%

Backed by GDS Whales

We currently boast 20+ diamond holder whales from Golddoge Sachs who are backing and invested into Baby Golddoge Sachs. Each whale holds close to 3% supply and collectively are long term holders who are dedicated to getting both tokens to the moon!

Get in Touch

300 E Street SW Washington DC 20024-3210

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